Tenemos otro cometa en buen horario y posición. Tal vez llegue a ser visible a simple vista desde cielos oscuros.
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Arriba del centro se ve el cometa, con su característico color verdoso. Foto: José Luis Sanchis. |
Pasará muy cerca de objetos brillantes o estrellas notables, lo que facilitará encontrarlo. De hecho el 27/5 pasa a pocos grados de Sirio.
La historia
Fue descubierto el 31/102019 por R. A. Kowalski (Mt. Lemmon Survey). De allí su nombre. Cuando se lo descubrió se pensaba que era un asteroide, ya que no mostraba gas a su alrededor. Luego se activó. El cometa llegará al perihelio el 18/6/2020 (0,92 UA) y después, el 29/6 a la mínima distancia a la Tierra (0,83 UA).
La predicción
Te conviene cargar el Stellarium para verlo exactamente desde tu lugar de observación.
El cometa se está abrillantando mucho y rápidamente. Podría llegar a la magnitud 4.
Pasará por lugares muy bonitos para ver o fotografiar.
Cuando Estará muy cerca de:
17/5/2020 estrella 44 Lepus
24/5/2020 estrella Hip 31266 (mag. 6,3)
27/5/2020 Cúmulo M41(cerca de Sirio)
29/5/2020 estrella Pi Can Mayor (mag. 4,6)
03/6/2020 estrella Hip 35727 (mag. 4,9)
16/6/2020 D Hydra (mag. 4,3)
23/6/2020 Estrella Alphard (Alfa Hydrae - mag. 2)
19 a 20/7/2020 Cruza el cúmulo Virgo de galaxias.
Los mapas generales
Y la predicción detallada
Recuerda que esta predicción es segura en cuanto a las posiciones, no las magnitudes. El cometa seguramente estará al menos 5 magnitudes mas brillante.
La predicción
Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.):
EPOCH= 2458809.5 ! 2019-Nov-22.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a.
EC= .9979241727098472 QR= .9142778354275892 TP= 2459019.3197107585
OM= 235.7084178817826 W= 329.6560408361095 IN= 61.00377569932609
Equivalent ICRF heliocentric equatorial cartesian coordinates (au, au/d):
X= 7.798752705832959E-01 Y= 3.094635971228304E+00 Z=-3.727914284896043E-01
VX=-7.462998151252128E-03 VY=-1.051171480650500E-02 VZ=-4.162606906957826E-03
Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km):
GM= n.a. RAD= n.a.
M1= 11.7 M2= 13.2 k1= 11. k2= 5. PHCOF= .030
Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A._____(ICRF)_____DEC T-mag N-mag delta S-O-T /r S-T-O
2020-May-12 00:00 05 42 59.63 -21 46 20.6 12.99 15.55 1.38373706833363 53.6936 /T 46.0164
2020-May-13 00:00 05 46 13.16 -21 42 55.4 12.93 15.53 1.36864965275229 53.7194 /T 46.5788
2020-May-14 00:00 05 49 31.34 -21 39 17.7 12.86 15.50 1.35347084751670 53.7510 /T 47.1534
2020-May-15 00:00 05 52 54.32 -21 35 26.1 12.80 15.48 1.33820884863392 53.7882 /T 47.7402
2020-May-16 00:00 05 56 22.23 -21 31 19.2 12.73 15.45 1.32287235321748 53.8307 /T 48.3389
2020-May-17 00:00 05 59 55.22 -21 26 55.1 12.66 15.42 1.30747058947516 53.8784 /T 48.9494
2020-May-18 00:00 06 03 33.42 -21 22 12.4 12.60 15.40 1.29201334528829 53.9311 /T 49.5713
2020-May-19 00:00 06 07 16.99 -21 17 09.0 12.53 15.37 1.27651099643120 53.9884 /T 50.2043
2020-May-20 00:00 06 11 06.07 -21 11 43.0 12.47 15.35 1.26097453522446 54.0503 /T 50.8480
2020-May-21 00:00 06 15 00.82 -21 05 52.4 12.40 15.32 1.24541560011508 54.1165 /T 51.5019
2020-May-22 00:00 06 19 01.38 -20 59 34.9 12.33 15.30 1.22984650636810 54.1867 /T 52.1655
2020-May-23 00:00 06 23 07.91 -20 52 48.1 12.27 15.27 1.21428027774257 54.2608 /T 52.8383
2020-May-24 00:00 06 27 20.56 -20 45 29.6 12.20 15.25 1.19873067872433 54.3386 /T 53.5194
2020-May-25 00:00 06 31 39.47 -20 37 36.7 12.14 15.22 1.18321224663564 54.4199 /T 54.2082
2020-May-26 00:00 06 36 04.80 -20 29 06.7 12.07 15.20 1.16774032277936 54.5046 /T 54.9038
2020-May-27 00:00 06 40 36.68 -20 19 56.6 12.01 15.18 1.15233108173129 54.5923 /T 55.6053
2020-May-28 00:00 06 45 15.26 -20 10 03.3 11.95 15.15 1.13700155793223 54.6831 /T 56.3117
2020-May-29 00:00 06 50 00.66 -19 59 23.6 11.89 15.13 1.12176966876073 54.7767 /T 57.0217
2020-May-30 00:00 06 54 53.02 -19 47 54.3 11.83 15.11 1.10665423317211 54.8731 /T 57.7342
2020-May-31 00:00 06 59 52.44 -19 35 31.8 11.77 15.09 1.09167498468964 54.9721 /T 58.4478
2020-Jun-01 00:00 07 04 59.03 -19 22 12.5 11.71 15.07 1.07685257707572 55.0737 /T 59.1610
2020-Jun-02 00:00 07 10 12.89 -19 07 52.8 11.65 15.04 1.06220858060838 55.1779 /T 59.8723
2020-Jun-03 00:00 07 15 34.08 -18 52 28.9 11.59 15.02 1.04776546690850 55.2846 /T 60.5799
2020-Jun-04 00:00 07 21 02.68 -18 35 57.1 11.54 15.00 1.03354658105173 55.3939 /T 61.2821
2020-Jun-05 00:00 07 26 38.73 -18 18 13.6 11.48 14.98 1.01957610122359 55.5057 /T 61.9767
2020-Jun-06 00:00 07 32 22.24 -17 59 14.6 11.43 14.96 1.00587898776719 55.6204 /T 62.6619
2020-Jun-07 00:00 07 38 13.21 -17 38 56.4 11.38 14.95 0.99248092404825 55.7379 /T 63.3353
2020-Jun-08 00:00 07 44 11.62 -17 17 15.6 11.33 14.93 0.97940825047712 55.8585 /T 63.9947
2020-Jun-09 00:00 07 50 17.38 -16 54 08.6 11.29 14.91 0.96668789076163 55.9825 /T 64.6376
2020-Jun-10 00:00 07 56 30.42 -16 29 32.5 11.24 14.89 0.95434726733005 56.1101 /T 65.2616
2020-Jun-11 00:00 08 02 50.59 -16 03 24.3 11.20 14.88 0.94241420193937 56.2417 /T 65.8640
2020-Jun-12 00:00 08 09 17.73 -15 35 41.7 11.16 14.86 0.93091679792806 56.3777 /T 66.4422
2020-Jun-13 00:00 08 15 51.62 -15 06 22.4 11.12 14.85 0.91988330183136 56.5184 /T 66.9935
2020-Jun-14 00:00 08 22 32.02 -14 35 25.1 11.09 14.83 0.90934194350837 56.6643 /T 67.5153
2020-Jun-15 00:00 08 29 18.63 -14 02 48.6 11.05 14.82 0.89932075518879 56.8158 /T 68.0048
2020-Jun-16 00:00 08 36 11.11 -13 28 32.6 11.03 14.81 0.88984737088215 56.9734 /T 68.4595
2020-Jun-17 00:00 08 43 09.08 -12 52 37.5 11.00 14.80 0.88094880850531 57.1375 /T 68.8769
2020-Jun-18 00:00 08 50 12.13 -12 15 04.4 10.98 14.79 0.87265123797138 57.3086 /T 69.2544
2020-Jun-19 00:00 08 57 19.79 -11 35 55.1 10.96 14.78 0.86497973938246 57.4870 /T 69.5899
2020-Jun-20 00:00 09 04 31.57 -10 55 12.5 10.94 14.77 0.85795805633123 57.6730 /T 69.8812
2020-Jun-21 00:00 09 11 46.93 -10 13 00.1 10.93 14.76 0.85160835002126 57.8671 /T 70.1264
2020-Jun-22 00:00 09 19 05.32 -09 29 22.5 10.92 14.76 0.84595096031712 58.0692 /T 70.3241
2020-Jun-23 00:00 09 26 26.15 -08 44 24.9 10.91 14.75 0.84100417982347 58.2796 /T 70.4729
2020-Jun-24 00:00 09 33 48.80 -07 58 13.6 10.91 14.75 0.83678404668093 58.4982 /T 70.5719
2020-Jun-25 00:00 09 41 12.67 -07 10 55.4 10.91 14.74 0.83330416110624 58.7248 /T 70.6203
2020-Jun-26 00:00 09 48 37.11 -06 22 38.0 10.92 14.74 0.83057553000640 58.9593 /T 70.6180
2020-Jun-27 00:00 09 56 01.49 -05 33 29.6 10.92 14.74 0.82860644338278 59.2012 /T 70.5651
2020-Jun-28 00:00 10 03 25.19 -04 43 39.0 10.94 14.74 0.82740238563827 59.4500 /T 70.4620
2020-Jun-29 00:00 10 10 47.58 -03 53 15.1 10.95 14.74 0.82696598410532 59.7051 /T 70.3096
2020-Jun-30 00:00 10 18 08.06 -03 02 27.4 10.97 14.75 0.82729699597242 59.9658 /T 70.1091
2020-Jul-01 00:00 10 25 26.05 -02 11 25.3 11.00 14.75 0.82839233340002 60.2310 /T 69.8619
2020-Jul-02 00:00 10 32 41.01 -01 20 18.3 11.02 14.76 0.83024612533003 60.5000 /T 69.5699
2020-Jul-03 00:00 10 39 52.39 -00 29 15.8 11.05 14.77 0.83284981373460 60.7717 /T 69.2352
2020-Jul-04 00:00 10 46 59.73 +00 21 33.2 11.09 14.77 0.83619228198952 61.0450 /T 68.8599
2020-Jul-05 00:00 10 54 02.58 +01 12 00.0 11.12 14.78 0.84026001338723 61.3189 /T 68.4466
2020-Jul-06 00:00 11 01 00.52 +02 01 56.2 11.16 14.80 0.84503727783294 61.5923 /T 67.9978
2020-Jul-07 00:00 11 07 53.19 +02 51 14.3 11.20 14.81 0.85050634392075 61.8641 /T 67.5161
2020-Jul-08 00:00 11 14 40.28 +03 39 47.1 11.25 14.82 0.85664771189714 62.1333 /T 67.0045
2020-Jul-09 00:00 11 21 21.49 +04 27 28.2 11.30 14.84 0.86344036115669 62.3988 /T 66.4655
2020-Jul-10 00:00 11 27 56.59 +05 14 11.9 11.35 14.85 0.87086200469267 62.6597 /T 65.9020
2020-Jul-11 00:00 11 34 25.38 +05 59 53.1 11.40 14.87 0.87888934277083 62.9152 /T 65.3166
Column meaning:
Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the
prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current
civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1
using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years.
Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar
system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output
has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st.
Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future
Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth
regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock
rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT"
may be defined for that location.
Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank
(" ") denotes an A.D. date. Calendar dates prior to 1582-Oct-15 are in the
Julian calendar system. Later calendar dates are in the Gregorian system.
NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time.
R.A._____(ICRF)_____DEC =
Astrometric right ascension and declination of the target center with
respect to the observing site (coordinate origin) in the reference frame of
the planetary ephemeris (ICRF). Compensated for down-leg light-time delay
Units: RA in hours-minutes-seconds of time (HH MM SS.ff)
DEC in degrees-minutes-seconds of arc (sDD MN SC.f)
T-mag N-mag =
Comet's approximate apparent visual total magnitude ("T-mag") and nuclear
magnitude ("N-mag") by following standard IAU definitions:
T-mag = M1 + 5*log10(delta) + k1*log10(r)
N-mag = M2 + 5*log10(delta) + k2*log10(r) + phcof*beta
delta deldot =
Range ("delta") and range-rate ("delta-dot") of target center with respect
to the observer at the instant light seen by the observer at print-time would
have left the target center (print-time minus down-leg light-time); the
distance traveled by a light ray emanating from the center of the target and
recorded by the observer at print-time. "deldot" is a projection of the
velocity vector along this ray, the light-time-corrected line-of-sight from
the coordinate center, and indicates relative motion. A positive "deldot"
means the target center is moving away from the observer (coordinate center).
A negative "deldot" means the target center is moving toward the observer.
Units: AU and KM/S
S-O-T /r =
Sun-Observer-Target angle; target's apparent SOLAR ELONGATION seen from
the observer location at print-time. Angular units: DEGREES
The '/r' column indicates the target's apparent position relative to
the Sun in the observer's sky, as described below:
For an observing location on the surface of a rotating body
(considering its rotational sense):
/T indicates target TRAILS Sun (evening sky; rises and sets AFTER Sun)
/L indicates target LEADS Sun (morning sky; rises and sets BEFORE Sun)
For an observing point NOT on a rotating body (such as a spacecraft), the
"leading" and "trailing" condition is defined by the observer's
heliocentric orbital motion: if continuing in the observer's current
direction of heliocentric motion would encounter the target's apparent
longitude first, followed by the Sun's, the target LEADS the Sun as seen by
the observer. If the Sun's apparent longitude would be encountered first,
followed by the target's, the target TRAILS the Sun.
NOTE: The S-O-T solar elongation angle is numerically the minimum
separation angle of the Sun and target in the sky in any direction. It
does NOT indicate the amount of separation in the leading or trailing
directions, which are defined in the equator of a spherical coordinate
S-T-O =
"S-T-O" is the Sun->Target->Observer angle; the interior vertex angle at
target center formed by a vector to the apparent center of the Sun at
reflection time on the target and the apparent vector to the observer at
print-time. Slightly different from true PHASE ANGLE (requestable separately)
at the few arcsecond level in that it includes stellar aberration on the
down-leg from target to observer. Units: DEGREES
Computations by ...
Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Information: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/
Connect : telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
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